Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sick Days

Sick days as a mom are very different from sick days when I worked full-time. This week is the first time since Margo has been born that I have been "laid-up-in-bed" sick. Thank God that it has taken over two years for my first REAL sickness, but gone are the days of calling in to the office, telling them I'm sick, and rolling back over for a day of snoozing on the couch and watching chick flicks! I now have a little person asking every few seconds "what we doing Mommy?" So, my sick days now consist of trying to provide enough activities for an active two-year-old so that I can sit and watch while I feel like hiding in a whole all day! For the record, as if it has to be said, I am NOT a super-mom and this week has truly humbled me at how impatient and self-centered I am. I'm learning that each experience I go through as a mom has something that God wants to teach me through it. Although this week has been very challenging, it has also had some of the sweetest gems of mommyhood so far. Including Margo blowing bubbles in her chocolate milk, which made us laugh hysterically, singing new songs from storytime, putting her storytime sticker on her nose because another girl did it and I said how cute it was - Margo doesn't want to be left out! Maybe sick days can also be fun days... if I'm drugged up enough! :)

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