Monday, October 5, 2009


Up to this point I've thought, "How can I discipline this cute little face?" And really, how much need is there to discipline a child who doesn't have the ability to feed herself or have mobility! I know that of anything to do with childrearing, a family's choice on the type of discipline they use is probably the TOP that is controversial. I think we've been putting discipline on the back burner for that reason. Something has happened to our precious daughter and now makes us bring this issue to the forefront. Margo has learned the art of infant temper-tantrum. Not nearly as bad as the toddler temper-tantrum but still serious enough to merit some sort of discipline action. Rainy days where we don't have as many options for distractions seem to exaserbate the problem and today was one of those days. So, with that, I ordered two books today on discipline from the two Dr's that helped us get through the newborn phase. We'll read through the books, take what we think is useful, ask the Lord for direction, and try to be consistent! So, here we go... (oh, and while I'm on a role with a long text post I'll update you with the "sleeping through the night" battle - still raging on, but Margo is more consistently sleeping from 9PM to 6AM!!! Jim and I are thrilled and although it is not every night, we are making progress!)

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